The Charalambos & Elena Pattihis Foundation

A Force for Positive Change in Cyprus

Charalambos Pattihis Elena Pattihis


With a long-standing legacy of being deeply connected to the local Cypriot community, Charalambos Pattihis and Elena Pattihis have frequently received calls from all over Cyprus informing them of fellow citizens in need. Each time, they have offered their help through both monetary and practical initiatives.

However, as the need for aid on the island of Cyprus continued to increase, Charalambos and Elena Pattihis realised that their individual giving efforts could be amplified through the organised actions of a non-profit organisation in the form of a Foundation.

The Charalambos and Elena Pattihis Foundation was established with a clear mandate to advance the quality of life for the Cypriot community through targeted actions across several areas, namely Social Welfare, Education, Culture, Health, and the Environment which have become the 5 Action Pillars of the Foundation.

The Founders’ vision was to build a Foundation that could respond effectively and efficiently to both the existing and emerging needs of the community.

The conceptualisation and realisation of the Charalambos and Elena Pattihis Foundation occurred in 2020, a year characterised by unparalleled challenges and uncertainty predominantly due to the global ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic precipitated substantial social and economic turmoil, impacting innumerable individuals and communities across the globe. Despite the prevailing challenges, Charalambos and Elena Pattihis were resolute in their aspiration to effect positive change within their local community and to extend essential support, not solely within the realm of Social Welfare but also spanning the other Action Pillars of the Foundation.

They recognised that the pandemic was exacerbating pre-existing issues across Cyprus and beyond, such as poverty, inequality, and inadequate access to advanced healthcare. They also saw that the pandemic had highlighted the need for a coordinated and holistic approach to addressing social and economic challenges.

To make matters even worse, in July 2021 a massive forest fire broke out in the Troodos Mountains, devastating large parts of Cyprus. The fire, which was one of the worst in the country’s history, destroyed over 50 square kilometres of forest and vegetation, including valuable and protected ecological areas. Thousands of people were forced to evacuate their homes, and hundreds of firefighters from Cyprus and other countries were mobilised to fight the blaze. The aftermath of the fire has left many communities and wildlife habitats severely impacted, with a significant need for reforestation and rehabilitation efforts. Many families lost their homes.

Against this backdrop, Charalambos and Elena Pattihis knew that the Foundation would enable them to make a meaningful contribution and support their fellow Cypriots during these difficult times.

One of the inaugural initiatives undertaken by the Foundation was a prompt contribution of €100,000 to the special fund established by the Republic of Cyprus Government, dedicated to providing assistance and relief to the victims of the catastrophic fires. This contribution underscores the Foundation’s commitment to supporting communities in times of severe distress and unforeseen calamity.

Despite the many challenges along the way, the Foundation has made significant strides towards achieving its objectives, thanks to the dedicated efforts of its Founders and their team of committed volunteers and staff.

As the journey of the Charalambos and Elena Pattihis Foundation continues, the resolve to cultivate positive transformations within the community remains as fervent as ever. The enduring Vision and Mission of the Founders propels the organization forward to alleviate hardships and enrich lives across the diverse sectors it serves.

It is with unwavering commitment and a hopeful gaze towards the future that the foundation seeks to continue its meaningful work, aspiring to be a source of support, empowerment, and revitalisation for the people of Cyprus. With every endeavour, the Foundation aims to honour its roots, uphold its values, and expand its impact, fostering a resilient and flourishing community for generations to come.